log C:\failsafeproxy\3proxy\error.txt auth iponly # /Begin Child Filter... # Child Filter Notes: # English only, for now. (Need to bablefish other languages.) Tested a week, but will takes months to test. #This porn filter only work because it is mild, letting most through, while being effective at blocking--porn only (not language,shopping, gambling, ads--been done.). #This is because all word matches are absolute blockers--on entire page. #Ideally, should scan first x lines of any page, and three strikes would trigger a block. #Important: For compatibility, you probably should use only child safe searchs, too. (Else, one adult site in a "search engine result list" will fail display of all results.) plugin PCREPlugin.dll pcre_plugin # Misc. RegEx Rules and Idiosyncrasies: #"Shakespeare's Sonnets" is same as "Shakespeare's.Sonnets" # /s doesn't work. But, white spaces work fine and same as dot. # Parentheses within Parentheses, doesn't work. ex. ((x|y)|z).*w #html markups seem to be messing up filters. Menu items, that are hyperlinks, that should trip triggers, often pass. Perhaps, because <> are regex characters. Ex. http://straight.theater.moviemonster.com/dispatcher/movieDetail?movieId=21767&locale=en&subAffID=se_yahoo3&pitch=on #A simple, logical match like, registered(.[^/.])*trademark , doesn't work & will crash 3proxy. Trying to match "regist.*trade" in sentence, but not split by period. Works in Editpad. # Basics for regex beginners: | is or and .* is wildcard. #below list blocks urls containing these words in the url. (Uses very little cpu.) (We must use "deny" only.) pcre cliheader deny "adult|age.verif|amateurs|anal|babe|barely.legal|BDSM|big.dick|big.tits|blowjob|bondage|centerfold|clit|cock|cumshot|cunnilingus|cunt|cybersex|ejaculation|erect.penis|erotic|explicit|felching|fellatio|fetish|free.preview|fuck|hardcore|horny|instant.access|lesbian.photos|lesbo|masturbat|mature|moviemonster|naked|nude|obscene|orgasm|orgy|penis|phreak|pic.preview|porn|pussy|quality.pict|quality.videos|sex|slut|softcore|stud|thumbz|upskirt|urinating|whore|xxx" #below list blocks all content on page containing words. Very touchy. Not recommended. #pcre srvdata deny "18/+.*join now|model.*18.*/.|porn.*adult|porn.*fuck|porn.*gallery|porn.*porn.*porn|porn.*pics|porn.*tour|porn.*video|xxx.*movie|XXX*.gallery|xxx.*free sample|xxx.*pic|xxx.*video" #below list blocks further content after matching the these words. ###Standard Shield. Pretty well tested below. (Good effectiveness. Uses, good amount of cpu.) #pcre_rewrite clidata,srvdata deny "(18/+.*join now|adult dvd|adult novel|ass photo| ass pic|\